Saturday, 13 June 2009

Ninja B is going to re-source

Hi all,
the coming 3 months I will be visiting the country were all this music comes from. I wont have a decent internet connection nor a harddisk full of music to share over there.
If you want your albums on the blog, please don't send them to my adres, but send them to Bounty J's adres:, he will take care of them.

I hope to come back with some nice records to share with you all.
In the mean time I'm sure the blog will stay an active place were people can discover some new music and enjoy themselves.

A big thanks to all the visitors and all the people who contribute to the blog.

Ninja B


  1. Have a nice stay in Jamaica Ninja. I'll try to keep up with the blog.
    Greetings to your lady and I'll see you later my friend.

  2. hey ninja have a good vacation and bring us lot of old school reggae for enjoy. god bless you. big up from PANAMA CITY...
